7 events found.
- No events scheduled for April 23, 2023.
- No events scheduled for April 24, 2023.
- No events scheduled for April 25, 2023.
- No events scheduled for April 26, 2023.
- No events scheduled for April 28, 2023.
- No events scheduled for April 29, 2023.
Week of Events
A Sturgeon with A Purpose: Walk and Community Brainstorm
A Sturgeon with A Purpose: Walk and Community Brainstorm
Meet outside in the NATURE Lab yard at 3319 6th Avenue Join artist D Colin for a walk on the Sanctuary's campus to help envision how her project A Sturgeon with a Purpose will enliven our growing campus Eco-Art Trail. This community written generative storytelling mural project will culminate in a block-wide series of painted […]
Death Cafe
Death Cafe
Where: 2nd floor of the NATURE Lab building, 3319 6th Avenue. Join us for for a Death Cafe, an evening of discussions about death and how to make the most of life under the context that there is an end. The discussions will take place as a group and in breakout discussions at People's Health […]