“Echoes from Lock One” is an evocative call for environmental and water justice from the eyes and voices of youth in Troy, NY.
“We live along the shores of the Hudson River at the beginning of the Erie Canal, Lock One, the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution. The history of the Erie Canal and the devastating effects of industrialization are mostly unknown… even to the people of Troy, who live right next to it. Our river and our neighborhood have been poisoned by a legacy of pollution. This is our call to action. For justice and for our future. No more waiting!”
Uptown Summer youth
Featured in:
- Environmental Film Festival of the Capital
- North Dakota Environmental Film Festival
- Kansas City Environmental Film Festival
During the Sanctuary’s “Uptown Summer” program, media makers, artists and scientists worked with teens in camera, audio production, script writing, music production, dance, historical research as well as scientific testing, to create this experimental, participatory documentary with a message for change.
Co-created by Youth Media Sanctuary/Uptown Summer Youth, in collaboration with The Sanctuary for Independent Media; Branda Miller, Executive Producer.
The Sanctuary for Independent Media is a place for community-engaged interdisciplinary experimentation, with the overarching goal of shedding light on the intersectional role of media, science and art in the process of building a democratic society. Uptown Summer is a media arts and environmental education summer employment program for youth to share homegrown stories of hope and justice.