Working the Land: How to Become Attune to, & Create Positive Relations with, All of Nature
HMM producer Anna Steltenkamp speaks with Clayton Brascoupé. Clayton is a life-long gardener and farmer. He is also the Program Director of the Traditional Native American Farmers Association (TNAFA), which is a non-profit, inter-tribal organization of Indigenous farmers, gardeners, educators, and health professionals whose mission is “to revitalize traditional agriculture for spiritual and human need, by creating awareness and support for Native environmental issues.”
This is the second segment in a multi-part dialogue with Clayton Brascoupé. In this segment, Clayton reflects on how working the land, and having a productive role within his natural landscape, makes him feel—while describing his own efforts to find a healthy relationship with all of nature. Also, he speaks about the acute awareness of, and the feeling of connectedness within, the natural world that develops through working the land.