California Bill Would Remove “Chasing Arrows” from Products that aren’t Recycled
We all know the chasing arrows. It’s that little symbol on your plastic packaging that is usually accompanied by a number. For most people, that symbol means “recycle” – but the real purpose of the chasing arrows symbol isn’t what you think it is.
Less than 9% of plastics are recycled. Part of this is because plastic is cost-prohibitive to recycle and several types of “recyclable” plastics don’t have an end market. For that reason, many plastics you might put in your curbside bin wind up in the landfill or an incinerator instead of being turned into a new product.
In September, the California Assembly passed bill SB 343 that affects how product makers can use the chasing arrows symbol on their packaging and products. This week, Plastic PSA Host Alexis Goldsmith is joined by Heidi Sanborn at the National Stewardship Action Council.
Photo: Heidi Sanborn, National Stewardship Action Council