Labor-Related Fiction & Non-Fiction Books

Hear about American labor struggles from the early 1900s to now, from New York to Montana and beyond, in a variety of books suggested by Cheryl McKeon of the Book House of Stuyvesant Paza. Selections discussed: “Nickel & Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America” (Barbara Ehrenreich, non-fiction, 2001); “Uprising” (novel about Triangle Shirt Factory fire; Margaret Peterson Haddix, 2007); “Working 9 to 5: A Women’s Movement, a Labor Union, and the Iconic Movie (Ellen Cassedy, 2022); “Gilded Mountain: A Novel” (Kate Manning, 2022); “The Women of the Copper Country” (Mary Doria Russell, 2020); “The Four Winds” (novel, Kristin Hannah, 2021); “The Whistling Season” (Ivan Doig, 2016); “Somebody’s Fool” (novel, Richard Russo, 2023), and “Click, Clack, Moo: Cows that Type” (a children’s book about farm animals striking for better conditions! by Doreen Cronin, 2000). For more details, visit the Book House in Stuyvesant Plaza, Market Block Books in Troy, or Produced by Brea Barthel for Hudson Mohawk Magazine.