April 2024 Book Picks for Youths
Emotions, ecology, Earth, and an evening of mythology: Carol Roberts, head of Young People’s Services at Troy Public Library, E-ases us into Spring with four book recommendations. Her suggestions this month are: “Little Faces, Big Feelings: What Emotions Look Like” (Amy Morrison, 2023); “Rachel Carson and Ecology for Kids: Her Life and Ideas, With 21 Activities and Experiments” (Rowena Rae, 2020); “My Friend Earth” (Patricia McLachlan, ill. Francesca Sanna, 2020); and “Tokyo Night Parade” (J. P. Takahashi, ill. Minako Tomigahara, 2023). For more details, visit www.thetroylibrary.org. To find other libraries in New York State, see www.nysl.nysed.gov/libdev/libs/#Find. Produced by Brea Barthel for Hudson Mohawk Magazine.