Governor Hochul Promotes Nuclear At Energy Summit
While Governor Hochul opened up her energy summit in Syracuse on September 5 with a strong statement in support of the need for climate action, much of the focus on the event was her promotion of new nuclear power. We start off by hearing from Tim Judson of the Nuclear Information and Resource Services about why nuclear is not a climate solution. We then went across the street where several groups that were supportive of nuclear were tabling, where we talked with Martha Viglietta of the Citizens Climate Lobby, best known for its promotion of carbon pricing. We then hear from Cornel professor Robert Howarth, a member of the state’s Climate Action Council, whose official NYS Climate Scoping Plan rejected new nuclear. He is followed by attorney Joe Heath representing the Onondaga Nation and Laura Shindell of Food and Water Watch. By Mark Dunlea for Hudson Mohawk Magazine.