February 05, 2025

Renewable Heat Now Advocacy Day NY Capitol Feb 4 (full)

On Tuesday February 4, several hundred climate activists were at the State Capitol to promote the Renewable Heat Now Campaign. The main push was to finally pass the NY Heat Act. The Act, which has passed the NYS Senate, Would stop subsidies for gas expansion (e.g., the 100 foot rule); would align state agency actions (e.g., PSC) with the state’s climate law (CLCPA); and would cap utility bills for low income households at 6%. Among other issues the campaign is supporting is the Renewable Capitol Act to convert the Capitol complex, including the Empire State Plaza, to 100% renewable energy within three years. We hear about the campaign and other critical climate issues from Jeanne Bergman with SANE Energy; Adam Flint, Director of Clean Energy Programs at Network for a Sustainable Tomorrow; Albany resident Fred Pfieffer; Eric Weltman of Food and Water Watch; Betta Broad of New Yorkers for Clean Power; Lena Goings of Fridays for Future NYC; and David Alexis of New York Communities for Change. By Mark Dunlea for Hudson Mohawk Magazine.

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